Home Forums Travel & Tourism Which Airport should I clear the Customs? Connecting Airport or the Domestic?

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  • #32096 Reply
    Jim Balzer

    I have a question. My international flight from San Francisco to Auckland is scheduled to arrive at Auckland at 6:00 am on October 24th. My flight from Auckland to Queenstown is scheduled to leave Auckland at 7:55 am. My understand is that I need to clear customs in Auckland first before flying to Queenstown. Is that right? Have I allowed enough time at 1 hour and 55 minutes? Is it a long walk between the terminals? What can I do if I miss the connecting flight? I’m also flying alone. Thanks.

    #32099 Reply
    Sue Brennan

    You have to do the customs in Auckland Airport. We recently flew into Auckland from Perth before going on to Wellington. We had about 1hr 45 mins between flights and it was ample time. There is a shuttle bus between International and Domestic terminals. We cleared customs at Auckland quickly with our bags and then you just so bag drop at the domestic for the next flight. Hope you have an awesome time.

    #32100 Reply

    The customs to be done at the first airport of contact. I’ve flown into Auckland twice in the early morning and have cleared customs within an hour both times. I haven’t had a connecting flight to make, but I’d imagine if you hustle you can make it. Get straight to the luggage area and collect it quickly and you can likely beat the rush at customs and immigration. There aren’t a ton of flights landing at that time, so both times it was just my flight going through, so it was fairly quick. Particularly if you don’t have anything to declare. Good luck and Godspeed

    #32101 Reply

    If you have your Auckland -Queenstown sector on the same ticket as your San Fran-Auckland ticket then Air NZ will put you on the next available flight. Normally airlines allow one hour between transfers which is crazy at some airports. All running to plan you should have plenty of time. If not see an Air NZ rep to be rebooked. You’ll probably need to take your bags with you to the domestic terminal if you can so you know they get on your next flight. There is a minimum time frame for rechecking domestic bags at the international terminal for transfer.

    If you bought a separate ticket to Queenstown you’ll have to hope your SFO-AKL flight runs to plan otherwise you could be out of the domestic ticket as it’s your responsibility to be at the departure airport for your next flight. You’d have to buy another domestic ticket.

    #32102 Reply

    It’s a short and pleasant walk to the domestic terminal – especially after a long flight!
    We did exactly the same on our first trip.
    NZ customs are efficient, welcoming and friendly.
    Top Tip put your hiking boots in your carry on bag, quick access for inspection and make sure they are scrupulously clean!
    You are out into lines according to your declaration – same goes for medicines etc. obviously the line for boot inspection is Longggg and if you can speed it up 👍👏🏻

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